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Becki Jaworski, Madeline Korfman Memorial Scholarship

Becki Jaworski, Madeline Korfman Memorial Scholarship

“This passion will take their students through the hardest and the best days. What better job could we ask for!?”

Christopher Luff, Madeline Korfman Memorial Scholarship

Christopher Luff, Madeline Korfman Memorial Scholarship

“We like to say, life is an adventure,” says Chris.

UBCO professor discusses citizenship education with Canadians

UBCO professor discusses citizenship education with Canadians

As the population booms, what does the future hold for Canada?

The post UBCO professor discusses citizenship education with Canadians appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

Julie Bertles, Maxwell Cameron Award

Julie Bertles, Maxwell Cameron Award

“…you are doing better than you think you are — I promise!”

Isabela Richard, Head of Graduating Class

Isabela Richard, Head of Graduating Class

“Try to be as real and positive as you can. The kids can see if you’re having a bad day, or feeling off. You just need to bring your best self forward and make every opportunity count.”

Applying to the Doctor of Education: What you need to know

Applying to the Doctor of Education: What you need to know

Here are a few tips based on frequently asked questions to help guide you along the way.

Nicole Labrecque, Sharon McCoubrey Award in Visual Arts

Nicole Labrecque, Sharon McCoubrey Award in Visual Arts

“Be really open to all of the learning. It’s okay to feel a little uncomfortable.”

Winona Phillips, Maxwell Cameron Award

Winona Phillips, Maxwell Cameron Award

“Trust the process, find your confidence, enjoy the ride, and seek out your Marigolds!”