Certificate & Diploma Student Resources

Resources and information for current certificate or diploma students in the Okanagan School of Education.

Course Selection and Registration

For a complete description of all courses in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education Post-Baccalaureate Certificate and Diploma program, review the Academic Calendar.

All courses are subject to change. Courses that do not reach minimum registration numbers may be cancelled.

If the course is full, please consider wait listing, or email us at postbac.education@ubc.ca as we may be able to accommodate additional students.

Learn more about how to register for courses at students.ok.ubc.ca

LLED 497 (3)
Practicum in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
Instructor: Amber McLeod
Delivery Method: On-campus
Dates (Thursdays): Sept. 5 & 19, Oct. 3, 17 & 31, Nov.21 & Dec. 5
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm 

ECED 438 (3)
Observation and Documentation in Early Childhood Settings
Instructor: Stephen Berg
Delivery Method: Online (async)
Dates: Sept. 3 – Dec. 6, 2024

EDST 498D (3)
Climate Justice and Education: Foundations and Action
Instructor: Sumer Seiki
Delivery Method: On-campus
Dates (Saturdays): Sept. 14 & 28, Oct. 12 & 26, Nov. 23 & 30
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Course description:
This course focuses on both theory and action for educators interested in engaging in climate action. Reading theories from Indigenous, Western, and other diverse cultural knowledge will cultivate new ideas. We will also engage in a hands-on restoration project in a campus grassland plot, putting theory into action. By the end, you’ll have a theoretical foundation and skills to engage in taking the initial steps into climate action.

LLED 494 (3)
Introduction to Additional Language Teaching and Learning
Instructor: TBA
Delivery method: Online (asynchronous)
January 6 – April 8

EPSE 470G (3)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Instructor: TBA
Delivery method: Online (asynchronous/synchronous*)
Dates: One synchronous session held Saturday, January 11
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Course description: Course that reflects current research and evidence-based practice in teaching students with ASD. This course explores Autism Spectrum Disorders from a lifespan perspective applying behavioural, social, and cognitive theories. Topics include diagnostic characteristics and the diagnostic process in British Columbia, the etiology, history, and co-morbid conditions associated with ASD. Special emphasis will be given to evidence-based interventions and support strategies within early intervention, school, and employment settings.

Finances & Credits

Transfer Credit means academic credit earned at a post-secondary institution other than The University of British Columbia (Okanagan or Vancouver campuses) or through a program other than one offered by The University of British Columbia (Okanagan or Vancouver campuses) for which credit applicable towards the completion of a Course of Study is granted.

Courses permitted for advanced standing or transfer credit must be senior-level university coursework. Transfer courses require approval from the Specialization Program Coordinator and the Dean of Education.

If the courses have been completed prior to entering the Post-Baccalaureate Program, students will need a Letter of Permission (LOP) from the Okanagan School of Education and an official transcript from the originating institution.

Transfer courses must not have been used for credit toward other certificates, diplomas, or degrees.

If the coursework completed was required for a degree, diploma or certificate at another institution, it cannot be used as transfer credit for UBC Okanagan’s Post-Baccalaureate Program.

Maximum Credits

A maximum of 6 credits of coursework may be transferred toward the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate.

A maximum of 12 credits of coursework may be transferred toward the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma.


Double-Counting Credits

a. Credits earned in Courses of Instruction applicable towards a Diploma Program may also be applied towards a degree program with the approval of Senate, the Faculty or Faculties offering the degree program, or in the case of graduate programs, the College of Graduate Studies, and the Faculty, Faculties or College offering the Diploma Program. Normally, credits must be earned within five years of commencement of the degree program. A request to apply credits completed more than five years prior to the start of a degree program will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Faculty or Faculties offering the degree program or in the case of graduate programs, the College of Graduate Studies. b. Credits that have been applied towards a completed Diploma Program may not be counted towards another Diploma Program.

All students are automatically enrolled in the UBCSUO Extended Health and Dental Plan. However, if you are covered by a similar plan through work or family (MSP does not count!), you may choose to opt out.

To opt-out of the UBC Health and Dental plan, students must submit an online application.
Note: Select “UBC Okanagan” in the search field on the home page. When redirected you the UBCO plan, navigate on the menu to the right under the ‘Coverage’ section where you fill find details about the opt-out. Please ensure that you have proof of your other coverage.

For more information please contact:

Student Services Coordinator, UBCSUO
Office: University Centre, Room 133
Phone: 250.807.8842
Fax: 250.807.8079
Email: health-dental@ubcsuo.ca

Students will be assessed tuition and student fees at the prevailing undergraduate rate. Details are available via the Academic Calendar.

Students who are enrolled in at least one on-campus credited course are automatically assessed the mandatory U-PASS fee. Students who meet specific eligibility criteria may apply to opt-out of the U-PASS program.

See U-PASS opt-out information for details, including how to request an opt-out form.

Grading & Extensions

On July 1, 2009 the UBC Okanagan School of Education instituted a Pass/Fail assessment in all courses and seminars in the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Education
  • All other undergraduate Education courses including those in the Summer and Professional Institutes (400 level and lower)
  • All post-baccalaureate certificate/diploma courses (400 level and lower)

Pass/Fail assessment will NOT apply to any UBC Okanagan Education graduate courses (500 level or higher).

We believe that achieving a passing mark in our courses is contingent on a high standard of performance within all learning experiences. Our standard for a pass within our post-baccalaureate programs is equivalent to at least a B+ (76%) in UBC’s standard marking system and our students often exceed the B+ minimum by achieving work that is comparable to A-, A or A+.

Pass/Fail grading is common in professional programs. In addition to it being used in Education programs (including UBC Vancouver), many faculties of Law, Medicine and Dentistry have also implemented Pass/Fail assessment as an alternative to letter grading systems.

When a student requires an extension to their program to achieve certificate/diploma completion, the following documentation is required by the Okanagan School of Education:

  • The Extension Request form, fully completed along with required signatures
  • A memorandum addressed to the Director of Professional Programs providing the rationale for requesting the extension,
  • A detailed work plan signed by the student outlining the following:
    • The number of credits completed,
    • Future course registration plan,
    • The anticipated program completion date

Request Form

Health & Wellbeing

Counselling & Mental Health

Students living in British Columbia can access the clinic and counselling services of Health and Wellness. To book an appointment with a counsellor, call 250 807 9270 or book an appointment online.


Student Health Clinic

The clinic provides treatment and consultation for any student health concerns, and offer health information and referrals for physical, emotional, or sexual/reproductive health.

Please contact Health and Wellness by telephone at 250-807-9270 or book online to arrange an appointment.


Kelowna crisis line is available 24/7: 1 888 353 2273.
Suicide crisis line: 1 800 784 2433
Vets4warriors: 1 855 838 8255

If you have significant concern about a student, please submit an Early Alert. Health and Wellness will case manage the student and provide supports until appropriate services can be found.


Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to free, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web: www.here2talk.ca.

Visit The Wellness Centre: Online for 24/7 access to self-care modules and resources that include sessions with nurses, counsellors, and peers, wellness tips, community connections, and support.

Professional Development & Community Engagement have developed an online, self-paced resource to develop your mental health literacy. It can be taken as a complete course or individually via each of the 7 modules.

Participation is free.


Professional Development & Community Engagement have developed an online, self-paced resource. Prepare to deliver this evidence-based classroom-ready curriculum resource to students 12 to 19 years of age to successfully address mental health-related curriculm outcomes.

Participation is free.