Completed Masters Capstone Projects
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Project Name | Subject | Year | Brief Description |
A Collection of Okanagan Syilx Educational Resources Tara Kristie Melia |
2023 | This website is designed for primary school educators who are teaching in the Syilx Okanagan territory looking for local resources, materials, field trips, lesson plans, and activities to use in their classrooms when teaching education on Indigenous knowledge and content. |
An Apology for EGAP: The Benefits of a General Approach to English for Academic Purposes in Canadian Post-Secondary Contexts Paul Anthony Marshall |
2024 | The implications of only having English for Specific Academic Purposes-type courses in Canada would be perhaps having less of a needed focus on international students developing a holistic set of skills related to linguistic, cultural, and social competence. This article calls on the compassionate side of readers, whether teachers and/or researchers so that support can be provided to international students in dealing with loneliness, pressure, homesickness, and stress. |
An Inquiry and Insights: Characteristics for Successful Leadership in Education Jacquelyn Abbott |
2023 | My capstone project consists of an inquiry into leadership characteristics and practices that are fundamental for success in educational contexts. It contains a leadership framework and professional development activities for the cultivation of leadership skills. |
Bringing Social Emotional Learning to Life in “Play is the Way”: Connecting Curricular Competencies, Theory, and Practice Natasha Omori |
2021 | Research investigated how the Australian method, Play is the Way® (McCaskill, 2011) can be adapted into routine educational practices of a rural British Columbian school. |
Building Belonging for Vulnerable Students: If You Build It, Will They Stay Johannah Wirzba |
2020 | A conversation, in the form of a podcast, with a variety of different educators on their personal and professional journeys with belonging. |
Chiropractic and medical curriculum at a crossroads: A movement towards healthcare integration Carole Smith |
2022 | The project describes the evolution of chiropractic education, as it parallels, then diverged from medical education. The case is made as to how the interprofessional collaboration of education can help better patient care. |
Coaching Conversations in the Context of EAP Listening and Speaking: A Holistic Perspective Belkis Toredi |
2023 | Being at the intersection of coaching, EAL teaching and learning, and indigenous knowledges and perspectives, this reflective inquiry explores the potential of coaching in education as part of an EAP Level 4 Listening and Speaking. Inspired by the Syilx storytelling theme of knowing one’s gifts, it offers a way to integrate the self into curriculum and empower international students in their transition time into a new academic, social, and cultural environment. |
Creating an Equity-Based Classroom – A Beginners Guide Tahnee Pierson-Roberts |
2022 | There are many more things that need to be done in order to create classrooms that are equitable, but this guide will provide you with some tips and tricks to begin to transform your class |
Critical Thinking in the Digital Social Context: Thinking Through Mis/Disinformation with Young Children Huiming Ma |
2024 | This project explored the importance of cultivating students' critical thinking dispositions in the digital media age. It examined digital media challenges and philosophical theories, analyzed digital literacy frameworks, and proposed an AI-based lesson plan to enhance critical thinking dispositions. |
Destreaming the Ontario Grade Nine English Curriculum Kelly Bond |
2023 | This paper proposes the Seven Grandfather Teachings as a framework to rebuild a destreamed grade nine English curriculum in Ontario. This framework will assist in the creation of a curriculum that is reflective of students and their experiences. |
Developing an Effective Workflow Model for Hiring Teaching Assistants in Higher Education Maria Jose Beltran Santos |
2025 | This project develops a streamlined workflow model for hiring teaching assistants in higher education, building on insights from previous research. |
Engaging Students through the Incorporation of the Arts and Social Justice in High School Language Arts Classes Cory |
2023 | This project explores the benefits of incorporating the arts to address social justice issues in senior Language Arts classes. |
Enhancing Early Literacy Instruction in French Immersion Kyla Henry |
2023 | This capstone project focuses on the translation of the Science of Reading to effective classroom practices in a French Immersion (FI) context. The paper explores some foundational concepts in the Science of Reading, contextualizes these in FI, and offers instructional strategies to support early literacy development in FI classrooms. |
Equity Times: Decolonizing the 21st century classroom with grace and hope Eva Koch |
2021 | Created an educator resource that explored the "how to" of enacting reconciliation in K-12 classrooms in the traditional, unceded territory of the Okanagan Syilx. |
Escape the Classroom: The Pedagogical Benefits and Caveats of Escape Room Design and Implementation in the Secondary English Classroom Kirsten Oleksewich |
2021 | This evaluation provides educators who may consider designing or implementing an escape room activity in their secondary classroom the understanding of the implied structures through the lens of curriculum theory. |
Exploring the Integration of Mindfulness-Based Mental Training into the British Columbia Wildfire Service Dan Clouston |
2024 | This M.Ed. Capstone Project explores the integration of mindfulness-based mental training into the British Columbia Wildfire Service (BCWS). At its core is an illustrated guidebook introducing mindfulness-based concepts to wildfire personnel. This guidebook serves as a potential pathway to a mindfulness-based mental training course tailored specifically for individuals operating in high-stress environments. |
Facilitating Instructional Change in sub-Saharan Africa: How can teacher leaders be successful? Oyinlola Gaius |
2023 | This project examines the unique cultural and socio-economic challenges faced by teacher leaders interested in supporting or leading changes in instructional practices in Nigeria, and discusses how they can succeed by adopting affiliative leadership styles, consensus-seeking, mentoring, collaboration, and dialogue. |
Hope in the Darkest of Days: An exploration of the academic and wellbeing outcomes for educators, students and parents resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic James Geen |
2022 | This website-based project shares a proposal to identify and evaluate middle school students', educators' and parents' experiences resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, with a specific focus on the positive outcomes. |
How Service Learning Can Serve Social and Emotional Learning: A Framework for Evaluation Daryl Klassen |
2022 | This paper aims to create a theoretical framework to explore how service-learning and social and emotional learning can allow a school to fulfill its mission by fostering academic excellence, instilling SEC, and creating alumni who continue to serve. |
Improving Critical and Diverse Social Studies Skills in High School Students Kori Cullen |
2025 | The first part is a literature review of why increasing disciplinary History skills while at the same time adding multiple, diverse narratives is beneficial for high school Students. The second is 39 lessons that are supplemental to the British Columbia Social Studies 10 curriculum that foster and encourage disciplinary thinking alongside broadening the narrative of 20th century Canada. |
Innovative Learning Environments and Progressive Teaching (Paper & Podcast) Kate Knox |
2022 | In seeing the positive changes within our pedagogical approaches and learners, we wanted to explore how engaging math and language arts activities could foster a community of learners in the 21st century. |
Innovative Learning Environments and Progressive Teaching (Paper + Podcast) Hildegard Dietzel |
2022 | In seeing the positive changes within our pedagogy and learners, we wanted to explore how engaging math and language arts activities could foster a community of learners in the 21st century. |
Innovative Learning Environments: The Power of Creating a Learning Community Among Students and Staff Heather Letkeman |
2021 | This project addresses the need to innovate education to best suit the needs of 21st century learners. It highlights the innovative learning community the author has created and the benefits for all stakeholders. |
Learning Design Analysis Annette Fairweather |
2023 | A detailed learning design analysis to redesign an introductory undergraduate level course. |
Meaning-making of student experiences during outdoor exploration time Tess Perry |
2019 | The purpose of this study was to gather the thoughts and opinions of students and their teachers around the benefits of outdoor exploration time. |
Nutrition Education and Food Literacy Within The School Context Carlee Mills-Doherty |
2023 | This hyperdoc was created as a proposal and call to action for leaders within education to participate in the conversation of nutrition education and how it should look in our schools. Supported by research, theory, and scholars, a claim is being made that nutrition education ought to have a more meaningful and prominent place in our schools. |
Opening the Door: Mindful Teachers and the Mindful Classroom Morgen MacDonald |
2020 | Examination of mindfulness practices for teachers and how teachers can be the catalyst for the tone and mood of a classroom. Includes mindfulness practices for teachers and students as well as unit plan for introducing mindfulness in the classroom. |
Pathway to Employment for Internationally-Trained Professional Women Alma Betancourth |
2022 | Program designed with a Blended Learning component and an employment placement for Internationally-trained professional women immigrating to Canada. |
Physical Education and Mental Health in Adolescent Students. Jamie Pond |
2021 | Researching the effects physical education and movement have on the human brain and mental health, specifically adolescent aged students. Used this information to put forth my own project to see differences throughout a period of time for grade 8 students |
Podcasting in the classroom Shane LaLonde |
2022 | A website for teachers that gives directions on how to incorporate podcasting in the classroom. |
Podcasting in the Classroom Megan Koch |
2023 | My capstone project is a website for students and educators that provides resources to create or use podcasts in the classroom. For students, there are guides and supports to help them plan and produce a podcast. For teachers, there is a guide for how to use podcasts in the classroom, and how to have students produce podcasts. |
Promoting Inclusion, Well-being, and Academic Success in the Early Grades through Social and Emotional Learning Timaree Wallace |
2022 | This project explored the impact that embedding social and emotional learning (SEL)can have on children in the early elementary grades. How can teachers use SEL to create inclusive environments to promote well-being and academic success in all children? |
Review of Unequal childhoods in Indian context: Relationship between parent engagement/socio economic background and student achievement Nithasha Premkumar |
2021 | The capstone project examines the role parents have in shaping children’s lives in the Indian educational context. The examination will be based on case studies presented in ‘Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race and Family Life’. |
Rutland Parks and the Walking Curriculum Andrew Butterworth |
2022 | I researched the benefits of walking and how it can be incorporated into the curriculum. I also highlighted several parks in the Rutland Area in terms of their layout, geographical features, and what lessons could be run there. |
Self-Advocacy for all learners Amy Winford |
2021 | A critical examination of how the skill of self-advocacy could be a skill that would benefit all learners. |
Social Emotional Learning Strategic Plan for Elementary Educators Charlene Siddon |
2021 | This capstone project is a strategic plan for teaching social emotional learning (SEL) in the elementary classroom. It includes a rationale, a curricular map, lessons plans with connections to First Peoples Principles of Learning and an evaluation rubric. |
Supporting the Integration of Indigenous First Nations Curricula in Northern Classrooms and Learning Environments Shirley Zouboules |
2019 | The purpose of this personal narrative was to provide a broader view of teaching and learning in Canada's north through the eyes of a non-Indigenous educator. |
Supporting the successful transition of international students through mentorship Rebecca Gray |
2024 | This project is a research-informed and practice-based mentorship program that supports international students in their transition into post-secondary and out of of post-secondary as career professionals. It features a three part mentorship program that is collaborative and holistic. It is a hope that this program could be a starting point for institutions to take a more proactive and supportive role in ensuring international students are successful in their studies and subsequent careers in Can |
Teaching Good: An Educational Argument for Moral Knowledge Isaac Massey |
2024 | In this book, I offer a philosophical conception of moral education in BC. I argue that moral knowledge is an epistemic good compatible with the current aims of compulsory education. I defend the meta-ethical position of moral realism as the best way to frame an ethics curriculum. |
The Big Picture: A Conception of teaching that clarifies the responsibility of the practitioner Jake Holmes |
2024 | This project seeks to provide a conception of teaching in the public system, and clarify the specific reasons and justifications that drive decision-making, pedagogical judgement, and responsibilities of the teacher. |
Translanguaging: A Transformative and Culturally Sustainable Approach to Co-learning Yukie Ueda |
2022 | This project explores how the theory and practice of translanguaging enables transformative and culturally sustainable approaches to co-learning among students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds. |
TV Production for Schools Kevin Nickel |
2022 | This website is a resource for teachers interested in producing audio/visual media in their school. The concepts and ideas explored include everything from recommended hardware and software, to how school-produced media might impact school culture. |
Workplace Civility Hub Akshta Sharma |
2024 | The online resource is designed to offer practical solutions and support to educators and other professionals for managing and addressing workplace incivility. |