What does it means to flourish? A Q & A with Sabre Cherkowski on her recent book
UBC Okanagan Education associate professor Sabre Cherkwoski recently wrapped up a three-year study that culminated in her latest book: “Perspectives on Flourishing in Schools” (edited with Keith Walker, University of Saskatchewan). The third book to emerge from this study was a slight departure from Dr. Cherkowski’s earlier work. This time, contributions came from the educators […]
UBC Okanagan BARK program helps local kids with their social skills
For the next two Tuesdays, children and dogs are going to take over the foyer of the Engineering, Management, Education (EME) building at UBC’s Okanagan campus.
Parlez-vous Français?
French-speaking degree holders take note – the Okanagan School of Education has space for an additional 20 prospective French educators..
UBC merges Faculties of Education, creates Okanagan School of Education
UBC Okanagan announced this week the creation of a new Okanagan School of Education following the merger of the Okanagan and Vancouver Faculties of Education.
UBC Okanagan hosts six graduation ceremonies this week
UBC Okanagan’s gym and courtyard will be filled with traditional ceremony, shouts of celebrations and lifetime memories for two days this week.
Exceptional FoE Faculty Members Recipients of Teaching Excellence Awards
Earlier this month, professors, teaching assistants and tutors who went above and beyond in 2017-18 were honoured at the 11th annual Teaching Awards Reception on UBC’s Okanagan campus. One of the big awards for the night— the Award for Teaching Excellence and Innovation— was presented to the Faculty of Education’s Leyton Schnellert. Dr. Schnellert was […]