Author Talk: White Space: Race, Privilege, and Cultural Economies of the Okanagan Valley

The UBC Okanagan Library is hosting their first Okanagan Reads book club on October 21. The first book that will be discussed is White Space: Race, Privilege, and Cultural Economies of the Okanagan Valley. The book was edited by UBCO professors, Daniel Keyes and Luis L. M. Aguiar, and features an article by Dr. Bill Cohen.

Book Club Meeting on White Spaces
October 21 at 6 pm
Kelowna Downtown Library or on Zoom

Learn more

Dr. Bill Cohen and Dr. Natalie A. Chambers, co-authors of the first chapter in this collection of essays, will offer a talk on November 15, from 4 to 5 pm at the Okanagan Regional Library.

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