
“Coyote” by Jim Sedgewick licensed under All Rights Reserved

Together, working in an ethical space of engagement (Ermine, 1996), we begin the path to healing so necessary to embrace the Calls to Action of the TRC and set the conditions for transformation which will benefit future generations: Snk’lip ~ embodying both trickster-like and transformative powers for our work

Context: UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People)
BC Legislature passed UNDRIP into law in November of 2019.

The United Nations passed UNDRIP in September of 2007. It includes 46 articles covering all facets of human rights of Indigenous peoples.

Context: The Truth & Reconciliation Report (2015) Calls to Action

“The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was a commission like no other in Canada. Constituted and created by the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, which settled the class actions, the Commission spent six years travelling to all parts of Canada to hear from the Aboriginal people who had been taken from their families as children, forcibly if necessary, and placed for much of their childhoods in residential schools.” (2015: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, preface)