Welcome to Dr. Jody Dlouhy-Nelson, BEd French Pathways Coordinator and Lecturer; Coordinatrice des parcours français au BEd et chargé de cours

Please join us in warmly welcoming our new Bachelor of Education (BEd) French Pathways Coordinator, Dr. Jody Dlouhy-Nelson.

Jody Dlouhy-Nelson (elle/elle; she/her) is an educator-researcher of White prairie settler/colonizer ancestry. She works and studies at UBC Okanagan, on the beautiful, unsold, and traditional land of the Syilx Okanagan Nation. Jody spent her early French Immersion and FSL career in Saskatchewan school divisions, followed by several years in Central Okanagan Public Schools, and Sea to Sky (SD48) School District. Her career as a K-12 French Immersion, French Literacy and Humanities teacher; a district French Immersion program coordinator; a principal; and a district administrator of International Education recruitment/marketing was rich with language/culture learning.

Jody recently received her PhD in Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, with her focus in illuminating how beginning teachers create decolonizing and Indigenizing spaces for their students in this Place of the Syilx People. Her dissertation is available on the UBC library website. She was involved as a research assistant on the Co-Curricular Making: Honouring Indigenous Connections to the Land, Culture and Relational Self SSHRC partnership grant in the Okanagan School of Education. Throughout this time, she has worked closely with supervisor and mentor, Dr. Margaret Macintyre Latta, and mentor, Dr. Bill Cohen.

Jody feels privileged to be moving into this new role and looks forward to making connections with all involved, with a mind to a hopeful future.

Welcome Jody!