B.A.R.K. virtual canine study seeks participants

B.A.R.K. UBC in collaboration with Brock University has launched a new study to explore the effect of virtual interactions with therapy dogs and handlers.

There are three components to this study, all of which are completed within a single session and can be done at any time:

  • An initial online survey (five minutes)
  • Attending a small-group session (five minutes) during which participants will watch a pre-recorded video of a B.A.R.K. handler and therapy dog team
  • A second online survey (five minutes) to be completed immediately after the session


Participants must be:

  • 16 years or older
  • Fluent in English

B.A.R.K. does not recommend participating if you are anxious around dogs.

Participate in the study

Questions? Email bark.dogtherapy@ubc.ca.