Explore your potential: New graduate degree pathway

The Okanagan School of Education is pleased to announce a new graduate degree pathway. Prospective graduate students can now pursue a Master of Education (MEd) with coursework only.

“We are excited to expand our graduate program with this new coursework only option,” says Dr. Sabre Cherkowski, director of graduate programs. “This pathway to completing the MEd will offer rich opportunities for learning and professional development.”

Students will plan their courses, with guidance from their assigned supervisor, to build a program that provides broad knowledge at an advanced level to inform their professional and/or applied practice. Graduates will be prepared to contribute as educational leaders in their current roles and may have further employment opportunities in K-12 and post-secondary education, school administration and education consultation, government and policy work, among other careers.

This program is typically completed on a part-time basis over two academic years, including summer sessions, through a combination of campus-based and online coursework. MEd students are required to complete the degree within four years.

The MEd degree with coursework only requires completion of 30 credits:

  • 6 credits of core courses: CUST 562 and EDUC 521;
  • 24 credits from the Okanagan School of Education’s course offerings

This pathway is suitable for those students who anticipate completing the degree mostly or entirely online.

Applications are now open for a start date of September 2022.

Learn more about the program and admission requirements on our Master’s Degrees page.