Paulo Freire Study Group

Paulo Freire, image source: Wikipedia

Paulo Freire was a 20th-century Brazilian educator and philosopher, and strong advocate of critical pedagogy. He is known for his book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1986), where he sought to empower the oppressed by helping them actualize their full humanization.

This study group aims to facilitate conversations about Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy. The main goal is to understand Freirian praxis through contemporary issues such as systemic racism, health education, diversity, and many others.

The first conversation will take place on Jan. 20, 2021. The purpose will be to discuss the idea of Critical Literacy connecting Freire’s principles to fundamental terms and definitions outlined by the anti-racism debate. We are going to have Freire and Macedo’s book Reading the Word and the World and How To Be an Anti-racist (Chapter 1) by Ibram X. Kendi.

Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. PST

The group is open to all UBC students and free to attend.

Join the group to receive the Zoom link and access to resources:

Questions? Contact Fabiano Camara at

Supported by the Centre for Mindful Engagement and the Office of the President