PINTS Speaker Series presents Jenna Woodrow & a Guide to the Ethics Bowl

Date: Friday, March 6
Time: 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Location: EME 4116

Dr. Jenna Woodrow will be talking about the Thompson Rivers University Canadian High School Ethics Bowl, held February 29, 2020. The Ethics Bowl is both a collaborative and competitive event where teams of high school students, grades 9-12, teach and learn from one another as they compare bold strategies and take part in courageous conversations about ethical dilemmas such ethical topics as automated moral decision-making, sexting, and climate change refugees. Participants imagine, criticize, compare bold strategies, and amend their original positions when faced with convincing arguments. The unique collegial dynamic of the ethics bowl, where students pose and respond to probing questions emphasizes the skills of communication and collaboration: critical thinking, active listening, articulation and expression, open-mindedness, and respectful dialogue and disagreement.

Join Jenna Woodrow as she outlines the theoretical and practical virtues of this high impact learning activity. The ethics bowl meets all six core competencies of the BC Curriculum, and helps foster an engaged, dynamic, and resilient intellectual community among students, teachers, and professors.


As seating is limited, please register online.