PINTS Speaker Series: Upcoming Events

Political Inquiries aNd Theory Studies (PINTS) is a speaker series with the goal of creating a shared space for faculty and students. With the aim to serve as an incubator, the series invites you to develop social connections across campus.

Join esteemed colleagues whose work has a (broadly conceived) connection to political theory, policy, or practice. Following the presentation you’re invited to join your colleagues for a social and discussion.

Upcoming Events

3 to 4 p.m. in EME 4116

October 24, 2019

Responding to the Challenges of a Reflective Space in Research Partnerships
Dr. Alison Wylie and Dr. Andrew Martindale
Philosophy and Anthropology, UBC

November 7, 2019

Is Higher Education Part of the ‘Basic Structure’ of Open Societies?
Dr. Christopher Martin
Okanagan School of Education, UBC

Present at PINTS

Faculty or students interested in presenting their research can contact Professor Christopher Martin by email at