Living the Curriculum from the Inside Out with Kim Ondrik

Kim Ondrik

The Innovative Learning Centre and Centre for Mindful Engagement presents Living the Curriculum from the Inside Out. 

Join Kim Ondrik, Head Learner, Mill Bay Nature School in Cowichan Valley for pizza, and a presentation and discussion on innovative teaching practices; specifically exploring co-created curriculum, social justice, mindfulness, student-centered learning and living curriculum.

The presentation is on Thursday, November 21 from 4:30 p.m. until approximately 6 p.m. in EME 1123.

While the presentation is free to attend, space is limited. Please register online to confirm your space.

About the speaker

Ondrik with two of her youngest sons

Ondrik with two of her youngest sons

Kim Ondrik is presently the head learner and co-creator of Mill Bay Nature School, an innovative school of School District 79. The school is in its second year and is inspired by the embodied ideas of the Coast Salish People, Reggio Emilia, Dr. Gord Neufeld, and proponents of ‘risky play’ and democracy. In this place, the natural world is perceived as a provocative learning space of change, diversity, and challenge. Mill Bay Nature School is a place of natural learning – from the inside of the child outwards, from the inside of the adult outwards – from core competencies to curricular competencies to content. Mill Bay Nature School takes collaboration seriously – wide awake of how dedicated teachers ‘scraping up against reality’ as they interrogate their assumptions and transform – in the service of young people, their families and the greater community – create enormous tension, calling forth great humility and holding the potential of one example of systemic transformation.

Ondrik was the co-creator of three other innovative sites of learning and growth in British Columbia public education before her work in the Cowichan Valley.

Learn more about her research study on “To Inspire Social Justice and School Transformation: What is the Lived Curriculum We Have Co-Created At the Community School?