On November 9th, UNC 200 will become a ‘village’ of over 140 students, faculty and community practitioners involved in nursing, social work and education. The purpose of the workshop is to model interprofessional practice through case studies and panel discussions that focus on issues of child welfare. As Dr. Judy Gillespie commented last year in her opening remarks “it takes such a village to raise a child”.
The event is a result of a collaborative effort between Interior Health Authority, School Boards in the Okanagan Valley, Ministry of Child and Family Development as well as UBC’s Okanagan campus.
The organizers of this workshop include:
Dr. Judy Gillespie, School of Social Work
Dr. Robert Whiteley, Faculty of Education
Cathy Robinson, School of Nursing
Lina Dattolo, Ministry of Child and Family Development
Darren Jones, Ministry of Child and Family Development