Dr. Susan Crichton, Director of Graduate Programs, introduced special campus friends during orientation…

Campus Friends: (left to right) Erika Schultz (College of Graduate Studies), Jan Gattrell (Library), and Dr. Carolyn Labun (Centre for Scholarly Communication)
Beginning on the Mezzanine of the EME building, Dr. Susan Crichton welcomed incoming graduate students to the Faculty of Education. In her remarks, Dean Lynn Bosetti encouraged the students to think, engage and challenge not only themselves, but also challenge their professors throughout their program. While welcoming the students, Dr. Annette Lagrange (Associate Dean) conveyed her understanding of being ‘new’ to the campus since she started with the Faculty of Education on September 1st – exactly one week before.
Faculty and administrative staff guided participants to the Faculty of Education located on the 3rd floor of the North Tower. Once there, the orientation continued with faculty members taking turns welcoming the new students, highlighting their courses, and describing their specific areas of research. Dr. Crichton ended the formal portion by introducing Erika, Jan and Carolyn. During their remarks, they welcomed the students and discussed their roles and resources readily available on campus to graduate students.
During the informal ‘meet and greet’ portion of the evening, students, faculty and special campus friends discussed specific areas of interest and research. Everyone left the orientation feeling more informed and better connected to the Faculty of Education Graduate Programs and UBC’s Okanagan campus.
Read more about Faculty of Education Graduate Programs
Read more about College of Graduate Studies at UBC’s Okanagan Campus
Read more about UBC Okanagan Library
Read more about Centre for Scholarly Communication
Read more about Faculty of Education’s goals (Media Release: August 26, 2011)