Location(s): Vernon
Expected Hours: Monday to Friday 8:50 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Age Group(s): Elementary and Middle Years
Face-to-face or online: Face to Face
Number of Placements: 2-3
Theme: Indigenous Education / Studies
Position Description
Organization Information
The dream of having a cultural school rooted in sqilxʷ ways of life became a reality on September 7, 2006. The opening of the school was reliant on the determination, cooperation and support of Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) elders, parents, educators, and community members. The educational experience at nk̓maplqs iʔ snm̓am̓ay̓aʔtn iʔ k̓l sqilxʷtət is unique and provides the opportunity for students to excel in sqilxʷ cultural and language learning. Teachers and instructors thoughtfully plan the academic and sqilxʷ programs meeting and exceeding provincial curriculum standards, connecting curriculum to sqilxʷ cultural perspectives. The school offers a student-centered approach to teaching and learning based on individual student strengths and interests.
Band Operated School located on Okanagan Indian Band Reserve #1
K5 – Grade 7 with multi-grade classrooms and K5 at a separate location
Primary students attend Language class 1 hour each day
Intermediate students attend Language class 1.5 hours each day
Okanagan Indian Band Cultural Immersion School Website