EDST_O 498-F: The Fundamentals of Inclusive Education (IEPs)


Format: Online – asynchronous

This course provides a glimpse into inclusive education within the BC school system, covering key policies, procedures, and practical strategies. Topics include universal design for learning (UDL), student designations, and the role of resource teachers. Students will learn how to collaborate with school teams, conduct essential meetings, develop inclusive education plans (IEPs), and prepare documentation to meet BC Ministry of Education requirements.

How to register

To register for courses, please visit Workday Student.

Register for Term two (July/August) courses via Workday Student. If you intend on taking a 400-level course, please ensure that you receive prior approval by your graduate supervisor.

If you are looking to transfer a course into UBC Vancouver, or another institution, please confirm transfer credit will be approved prior to registering for a UBC Okanagan course.

*It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the course is accepted towards the completion of a program.

Register for Term two (July/August) courses via Workday Student. You must have current Summer registration eligibility. If not, please email sie.education@ubc.ca.

If you are looking to transfer a course into UBC Vancouver, or another institution, please confirm approval of transfer credit prior to registration.

*It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the course is accepted towards the completion of a program.

To register for a course, you will first need to submit an online application via Education Planner BC portal

  • Sign up for your EducationPlannerBC Account and follow the instructions to complete your applicant profile.
  • Select University of British Columbia as the institution you want to apply to
  • Select the upcoming Winter Session: September – December
  • Select “Access Studies”
  • Under “Access Studies” section, indicate that your program of interest is the Okanagan School of Education’s Summer Institute in Education Summer Session May – August.
  • Once all necessary fields are filled in, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
  • You will be prompted to review your EPBC application and pay an application fee.

Once you have paid the application fee, email nondegree.ok@ubc.ca if you want UBC to process it quicker. If not, it will take three to five business days for UBC to admit you.

Please contact sie.education@ubc.ca with your UBC student number and courses of interest. Further instructions will be sent to your email.