Strategic Plan

A Community of Scholar-Practitioners
Download the Abbreviated Strategic Plan Download the Full Strategic Plan
“The Okanagan School of Education (OSE) is embarking on a new chapter in the School’s history. We are pleased to share our strategic plan, designed to guide our journey as we work towards achieving our vision of a thriving scholar-practitioner community, investing in and envisioning the future of education together.”
Dr. Margaret Macintyre Latta
Professor and Director, Okanagan School of Education

A thriving scholar-practitioner community, investing
in and envisioning the future of education together.

Cultivating educators’ deep professional knowledge as scholar-practitioners, researching and teaching for diversity, equity, inclusivity, freedom and innovation, drawing upon research-based perspectives and practices.
Advance the profession locally, provincially, nationally and internationally through engaging and discerning diverse research, scholarship and practices
Build and sustain our scholar-practitioner community, comprising educators from varied sites, disciplines, interests and all phases of careers
Decolonize programmatic and curricular understandings and practices, embracing Indigenization as an ongoing shared ethical responsibility of all educators
Support and nurture individual/collective well-being and mental health for students, staff and faculty
Grow our research impact locally and globally: scholarship, partnerships and professional organizations
Seek responsive pedagogies and adaptive expertise integral to transformative teaching/learning
We will advance the profession through placing practitioner knowledge as primary within teacher education
We will bring together prospective and practicing educators forming and strengthening our undergraduate, professional development and graduate programs through shared community investment in the formative nature of professional knowledge
We will foster principles and practices that reconceptualize education in ways that honour both local and global Indigenous histories with pedagogies responsive to the relational connections to land, culture and understandings of self in the world
We will instill productive working contexts, embracing respect and accountability to each other, cultivating student, faculty and staff individual/collective wellbeing and fostering capacities for all to contribute to OSE’s purpose and ongoing development
We will champion the quality and impact of our research and scholarship within OSE, the Faculty of Education and UBC, alongside growing local, national and international attention
We will seek opportunities for educators to see, act, and reflect, renewing and revisiting the nature of transformative teaching and learning again and again through program efforts that are purposely recursive, intended to cultivate enlarged and deepened understandings of scholar-practitioner identities in-the-making
Implementation of the Strategic Plan
A Community of Scholar-Practitioners is at the heart of the Okanagan School of Education. Scholar-practitioners is an educator identity understood as students of learning or life-long learners. This strategic plan represents the School’s commitment to educate, support, grow, inspire and transform the next generation of educators and researchers. The plan will guide the School’s priorities, activities and commitments for the next five years, in the hopes of advancing our vision.
The Okanagan School of Education’s Strategic Plan was published August, 2020