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Margaret Macintyre Latta
On Leave Until: June 30, 2025Office: EME3139
Phone: 250.807.8119
Email: margaret.macintyre.latta@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Fostering Pedagogical Relationships, Seeing and Acting on Innovation’s Renewing Potential—The Fecundity of Genuine Learning Contexts, Curriculum as Lived in Classrooms, Teacher Education and Professional Development Reform Efforts.
Margaret Macintyre Latta is a former classroom teacher at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels, who returned to graduate studies compelled by John Dewey’s (1938) assertion that within aesthetic experience is a learning approach and direction. The aesthetic is understood as attention to the creating process, primary to the arts, permeating all learning—thus adapting, changing, building, and making meaning. Her scholarship addresses the integral role of aesthetic considerations such as attentiveness to participatory thinking, emotional commitment, felt freedom, dialogue and interaction, and speculation within the acts of teaching and learning. She terms these neglected epistemological assumptions, elemental to learners and learning. She believes the aesthetic merits serious consideration as a pragmatic and philosophical necessity missing in much schooling. Aesthetic teaching/learning contexts call for rethinking and revaluing what is educationally important. She is committed to the primacy of teachers in the lives of their students and the long-term impact on the future, contributing to the scholarship regarding school curriculum, teacher education, and professional development reform initiatives.
In recognition of her transformative research and approaches to education, she received the UBC Okanagan 2022 Researcher of the Year, Social Sciences and Humanities.
BEd University of Lethbridge, MA, PhD University of Calgary
Research Interests & Projects
With education reforms of the last four decades often focused on objectifying specific learning outcomes resulting in much superficial rather than substantial learning, Margaret Macintyre Latta seeks curricular enactment emphasizing individual and collective synthesis, internalization, and integration of thought.
The “complicated conversations” (Pinar, 2010) that ensue have much to offer to the nature and role of education and the reframing of knowledge. Complicated curricular conversations orient away from commodities to be controlled and inciting competition, toward investments in schools, educators, students, and communities, laboring “to understand themselves and the world they inhabit” (Pinar, 2003, p. 31). Curriculum is then understood as genuine inquiry into what is worth knowing, rather than simply a curricular document. It importantly assumes that within the inquiry process lives a worthwhile direction, a medium for teaching and learning that asks teachers and students to participate through adapting, changing, building and creating meaning together. This is the nature of curriculum enactment attending to the aesthetics of human understandings. As such, it invests in the formative terrain of cultivating understandings through prompting, sustaining, and nurturing a movement of thinking that forms complicated curricular conversations.
Such investment provokes curricular content and structure, exposing the fertile ground for the aesthetics of human understandings and offering the sustenance the world needs to think together and live well together. Thus, curricular enactment invested within the aesthetics of human understandings offers a philosophical and pragmatic approach to teaching and learning of all kinds, striving for connections across disciplines, demanding continuous engagement in reflection and deliberation, and honoring teaching and learning as complex and developmental in nature.
Video: Studying Community Learning Model
Selected Publications & Presentations
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2013). Curricular Conversations: Play is the (Missing) Thing. In W. Pinar, Studies in Curriculum Theory Series, New York: Routledge.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Chan, E. (2011). Teaching the Arts to Engage English Language Learners. In T. Erben, B. C. Cruz, & S. Thornton (Eds.), Teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) Across the Curriculum Series. NY: Routledge. 50/50 authorship.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Wunder, S. (Eds.) (2012). Placing Practitioner Knowledge at the Center of Teacher Education– Rethinking the Policies and Practices of the Education Doctorate.In E. Hamann & R. Hopson (Eds.), Education Policy in Practice: Critical Cultural Studies Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 50/50 editorship.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2001) The Possibilities of Play in the Classroom: On the Power of Aesthetic Experience in Teaching, Learning, and Researching. New York: Peter Lang.
Book Chapters
Macintyre Latta, M.(2023). Curriculum’s multiplicities as participatory modes of interaction. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 7. Elsevier, pp. 371–380.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2022). Meditative inquiry as medium for learning: Constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing love of self/learning/life. In A. Kumar (Ed.), Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research: Realizing Transformative Potentials in Diverse Contexts Studies. Curriculum Theory Series (Series Editor: Dr. William F. Pinar), Routledge.
Macintyre Latta, M., Saville, E., Marques, L., Wihak, K., (2020). Rising to the Needs of Pedagogical Situations: Method’s Responsive Sensibilities and Responsibilities. In David T. Hansen & Darryl M. De Marzio (Eds) David Hansen and the Call to Teach: Renewing the Work that Teachers Do. New York: Teachers College Press
Macintyre Latta, M., Draper, R., Hanson,K., & Ragoonaden, K. (2019). Living Curriculum as Commonplace. In Charles L. Lowery & Patrick M. Jenlink (Eds.) The Handbook of Dewey’s Theory and Practice in Education. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Macintyre Latta, M. & Kaftan, J. (2018). Co- Curricular Inquiry: Knowledge-Building for Well-Being. In S. Cherkowski (Ed.) Perspectives on Flourishing in Schools. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington Books, 165-181.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2015). Mindful Curricular Enactment: The Arts in Education & the Education in the Arts. In S. Schonmann (Ed.)The Wisdom of the Many – Key Issues in Arts Education: International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education, International Network for Research in Arts Education.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2015). Mindful Curricular Engagement: Preparing Prospective Educators to See/Act with Discernment and Deliberation. In K. Ragoonden (Ed.) Mindful Teaching and Learning: Developing a Pedagogy of Well Being. New York: Lexington Books.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2014). Aesthetics of Human Understanding. In Donna Adait Breault & Rick Breault (Eds.) Experiencing Dewey: Insights for Today’s Classroom, Second Edition. New York: Routledge, 165-168.
Macintyre Latta, M. & Baer, S.(2010). Aesthetic Inquiry: “About, Within, Without, and Through Repeated Visits”. IN T. Costantino & B. White (Eds.) Essays on Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 93-108, (70/30 authorship).
Refereed Publications
Journal articles(♦student co-authorship; ♦♦ practitioner co-authorship)
♦ Dlouhy-Nelson, J., ♦ Hamilton, K., ♦ Loland, D., ♦ Shayer, L., Broom, C.Cherkowski, S., Macintyre Latta, M., & Ragoonaden, K. (2023). Re-orienting Towards Complexity in Teacher Education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Taylor & Francis. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1359866X.2023.2197188
♦ Dlouhy-Nelson, J., ♦ Hamilton, K., ♦ Loland, D., ♦ Shayer, L., Broom, C.Cherkowski, S., Macintyre Latta, M., & Ragoonaden, K. (2023). Re-orienting Towards Complexity in Teacher Education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Taylor & Francis. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1359866X.2023.2197188
Ragoonaden, K., Macintyre Latta, M., ♦Hanson, K., Draper, R. & Coble, J. (2020). Broadening, Burrowing, Storying and Re-storying Indigenous Narratives: A Holistic Exploration of an Arts Based Curricular Experience. Alberta Journal of Educational Research.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2018). Curricular Matters Reorienting Education. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 16 (2), 34-51. https://jcacs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jcacs/article/view/40350/36391
Macintyre Latta, M., Schnellert, L., ♦Ondrik, K., & ♦♦Sasges, M. (2018). Modes of Being: Mobilizing Narrative Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry, Sage, https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800418786309 (less than 15% acceptance rate).
Macintyre Latta, M., Cherkowski, S., Crichton, S., Klassen, W., & Ragoonaden, K. (2017). Investing in Communities of Scholar-Practitioners. Teacher Learning and Professional Development, 2 (1), 32 – 44.
Macintyre Latta, M., ♦Hanson,K., Ragoonaden, K., ♦♦Briggs, W., & ♦♦Middleton, T. (2017). Accessing the Curricular Play of Critical and Creative Thinking. Canadian Journal of Education, 40 (3), 191-219.
Macintyre Latta, M., Schnellert, L., ♦Ondrik, K*., & ♦♦Sasges, M. (2016). The Inspirited Nature of Mindful Curricular Enactment’s Community (Re)Making. Journal of Curriculum Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2016.1264484 (less than 15% acceptance rate)
Macintyre Latta M. & Crichton S. (2015). Innovation’s Renewing Potential: Seeing and Acting Mindfully within the Fecundity of Educative Experiences, Education and Culture, The Journal of the John Dewey Society, Volume 31, Issue 2, 27-38, Purdue University Press, United States. (less than 20% acceptance rate)
Macintyre Latta M., Hamann E., & Wunder S. (2015). The Ed D as Investment in Professional Development: Cultivating Practitioner Knowledge, Learning Landscapes, Volume 9, Issue 1, 177-196. (less that 20% acceptance rate)
♦Ek, A. & Macintyre Latta, M. (2013). Preparing to Teach: Redeeming the Potentialities of the Present Through Conversations of Practice, Education & Culture, The Journal of the John Dewey Society, 29 (1), 84-104. (less than 20% acceptance rate)
Macintyre Latta, M. & Kim, J. (2011). Investing in the Curricular Lives of Educators: Narrative Inquiry as Pedagogical Medium, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43 (5), 679-695. 50/50 authorship. (less than 15% acceptance rate)
b) Conference Proceedings
Macintyre Latta, M. (2002). Seeking Fragility’s Presence, Philosophy of Education Yearbook, Urbana: University of Illinois, 225-233.
c) Book Review Essays (♦♦invited by editor)
♦♦ Macintyre Latta, M. (2015). Arts-Based and Contemplative Practices in Research and Teaching: Honoring Presence, Canadian Journal of Education, 38(3) http://journals.sfu.ca/cje/index.php/cje-rce/article/view/2030
SUSAN WALSH, BARBARA BICKEL, & CARL LEGGO (Eds.). (2015). Arts-Based and Contemplative Practices in Research and
Teaching: Honoring Presence. New York: Routledge.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2013). Matters of Relations, International Journal of Education & the Arts, 14 (4) http://www.ijea.org/v14r4/index.html
BOYD WHITE & TRACIE COSTANTINO (Eds.). (2013). Aesthetics, Empathy and Education. New York: Peter Lang.
♦♦ Macintyre Latta, M. (2013). Informing the Practice of Teaching Using Formative and Interim Assessment: A Systems Approach, Teachers College Record, http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentId=17189
ROBERT W. LISSITZ (Ed.) Informing the Practice of Teaching Using Formative and Interim Assessment: A Systems Approach.
Charlotte, NC Information Age Publishing.
♦♦ Macintyre Latta, M. (2009). Sitting on my Porch Life Writing: A Place of Nearness. Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 32.4.
ERIKA HASEBE-LUDT, CYNTHIA M. CHALMERS, CARL LEGGO, Life Writing and Literary Métissage as an Ethos for Our Times.
New York: Peter Lang, 2009. 254 pp. ISNB 978-1-4331-0306-3.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2008). Aesthetic Education: The Task of Revisioning. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40 (5), 687-698.
DAVID A. GRANGER, John Dewey, Robert Persig, and the Art of Living:
Revisioning Aesthetic Education. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2006. 307 pp., ISBN-10: 1403974020, ISBN-13: 978-1403974020.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2005). Enfleshing Embodiment. Visual Arts Research, 31 (2), 94-97.
LIORA BRESLER. (Ed.). Knowing Bodies, Moving Minds: Towards Embodied Teaching and Learning.
Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Macintyre Latta, M. (2005). The Necessity of Seeing Relational Accountability in Teaching and Learning. Journal of Teacher Education, 56 (4), 399-403.
DAVID CARR. Professionalism and Ethics in Teaching. London: Routledge, 2000. A. M.
SIDORKIN. Learning Relations: Impure Education, Deschooled Schools, and Dialogue with Evil. New York: Peter Lang, 2002.
d) Other (♦♦invited by editor)
Macintyre Latta, M. & Kim, J. (2010). Narrative Inquiry Invites Professional Development: Educators Claim the Creative Space of Praxis, The Journal of Educational Research,103, 137-148. 50/50 authorship. (Co-Edited Special Issue with proposal for issue and all submissions refereed)
Kim, J. & Macintyre Latta, M. (2010). Narrative Inquiry: Seeking Relations as Modes of Interactions, The Journal of Educational Research, 103, 69-71. 50/50 authorship. (Co-Edited Special Issue with proposal for issue and all submissions refereed)
♦♦ Bresler, L. & Macintyre Latta, M. (2008). Aesthetic Inquiry, in L. M. Given (Ed.) SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, 11-14.
Non-Refereed Publications
Macintyre Latta, M. (2010). Play is the Thing: Inherent within Curriculum & Holding the Pedagogical Significances, Conversations, University of British Columbia Zine, 2, March, 10-13.
Refereed Conference Presentations
- Ragoonaden, K., Macintyre Latta, M., Fraser, T., & Hoffman, R. (2019). Exploring Mindfulness and Indigenous Knowledges in Teacher Education. Presentation for Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Vancouver, BC.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Cherkowski, S., Ragoonaden, K., Beaudry, T., Hare, J., De Guevara, J., Kaiser, K. & Klassen, W. (2019). Co-Curricular-Making: Seeking Respectful and Productive Pathways for Educators and their Students. Presentation for Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Vancouver, BC.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Draper, R., Hanson, K., Ragoonaden, K., Briggs, W., Beaudry, T., & Kitzinger, V. (2019). School-Community-University Collaborations Reorienting Education. Upcoming Presentation for Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Vancouver, BC.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Ragoonaden, K., Cherkowski, S., Hare, J., Kaardal, K., Beaudry, T., & Kaiser, K. (2019). Reconceptualizing Education through Co-Curricular-Making: Honoring Indigenous Connections to Land, Culture, & the Relational Self. Upcoming presentation for the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ont.
- Ragoonaden, K., Macintyre Latta, Fraser, T, & Hoffman, R. (2019). M. A Holistic Exploration of Mindfulness and Indigenous Knowledges. Upcoming presentation for the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ont.
- Ragoonaden, K., Macintyre Latta, M., Hanson, K., & Draper, R. (2018). Broadening, Burrowing, Storying and Restorying Indigenous Narratives: A Holistic Exploration of an Arts Based Curricular Experience. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, New York: NY
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2018). Roominess for Learning. Presentation for the Centre for Teaching & Learning, Annual Learning Conference, UBC Okanagan.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2018). Aesthetics of Human Understanding: Critical and Creative Thinking’s Interdependence. Professors of Curriculum, American Educational Research Association, New York.
- Hanson, K., Draper, R., Ragoonaden, K., & Macintyre Latta, M. (2018). Exploring Holistic Curriculum Through Arts-Based Experiences.American Educational Research Association, New York.
- Briggs, W., Middleton, T., & Macintyre Latta, M. (2017). School Structures in Support of Critical and Creative Thinking. Scholar-Practitioner Conference, August 28, UBC O, Kelowna, BC.
- Draper, R., & Macintyre Latta, M. (2017). Large-Scale Arts-Based Experiences for Critical and Creative Thinking. Scholar-Practitioner Conference, August 28, UBC O, Kelowna, BC.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Ragoonaden, K. & Hanson, K. (2017). Re-Storying Canadian History: The Interdependence of Creative and Critical Thinking. Presentation for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Toronto, Ont. Canada.
- Lin, C., Carr, W., Irwin, R., Macintyre Latta, M., Cherkowski, S., Crichton, S., Klassen, W., Ragoonaden, K., Schnellert, L., & Dooley, P. (2017). Imagining Pedagogical Relations through Partnerships in British Columbia. Presentation for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Toronto, Ont. Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Ragoonaden, K., Draper, R., & *Hanson, K. (2017). Fostering a Commonplace of Living Curriculum. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Ragoonaden, K. , Macintyre Latta, M., & *Hanson, K. (2017). An Arts Based Curricular Enactment: A Holistic Exploration. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- *Hanson, K., Macintyre Latta, M., & Ragoonaden, K. (2017). Creative and Critical Thinking’s Interplay. Presentation for Provoking Curriculum Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Schnellert, L., Ondrik, K., & Sasges, M. (2016). Narrative Inquiry’s Inspiriting Nature. Presentation for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2016). Modes of Being: Mobilizing Narrative Inquiry. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Schnellert, L. (2016). Community (Re)Making: Mindful Curricular Enactment’s Democratic Modes of Being. Presentation for the John Dewey Society, Centennial Conference on Democracy and Education, Washington, D.C.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2015). Knowledge Bundling: Shortchanging Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Thwarting Creative Active Minds, Presentation for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Ottawa, Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Schnellert, L. (2015). Mindful Curricular Enactment’s Community (Re) Making. Presentation for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Ottawa, Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Schnellert, L., Ondirik, K, & Sasges, M. (2015). Mindful Curricular Enactment– Provoking Community (Re) Making. Presentation for the Provoking Curriculum Conference, UBC Vancouver, BC.
- Ondrik, K., Schnellert, L., & Macintyre Latta, M. (2015). Inspiring Social Justice: What is the Lived Curriculum We Create Together at a Community School. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Il.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Crichton, S. (2014). Innovation’s Renewing Potential:Seeing and Acting Mindfully within the Fecundity of Educative Experiences. John Dewey Society Past-President’s Panel, American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2013). Aesthetics of Human Understanding: Mindful Curricular Enactment’s Aesthetic Play. Presentation for the Canadian Society for the Study of Eudcation, Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2013).Aesthetics of Human Understanding: The Fertile Terrain of Asesthetic Play for Mindful Curricular Enactment. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, San Fransisco, CA., USA.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Hamann, E. T., & Wunder, S. (2013). The Ed.D as Investment in Professional Development: Cultivating Practitioner Knowledge-Gaining Voice, Sensibilities, & Capacities Through Inquiry. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA., USA.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2012). Arts-Based Educational Research: Reflections on its History within the American Educational Research Association, with additional panelists, Peter Appelbaum, Barbara Bickel, Alex de Cosson, & Celeste Snowber, ABER pre-conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2012). Teacher Meets the World: A Critical Conversation on Cosmopolitanism, Symposium for the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2012). Unquiet Understandings at Play: Connecting Teaching, Learning, and Researching. Presentation for the National Art Education Association. New York, NY.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2011). Embracing Place. Presentation for the Nebraska Art Teachers’ Association, Kearney, NE.
- Imig, D. G., Perry, J. A., Shakeshaft, C., Clark, H., Robinson, S., Robinson, M., Storey, V. Macintyre Lata, M. Wunder, S., Zambo, D., Zambo, R., Young, B., Welty Brown, S. (2011). A Focus on Leadership: Changing the Education Doctorate. Panel presentation for the International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Ketsman,O., Kang, L., Nako, B., Rivera,J., & Ross, P. (2011). Aesthetic Play as a ‘Force of the Possible’: Giving Expression to Relationality and Global Interdependence. Presentation for the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, New Orleans, shared collaborative presentation.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Baer, S., Hwang, S., & Nelson, J. (2011). Textured Curricular Conversations. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, shared collaborative presentation.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2011). The Temporality at Play within the Present. Presentation for the Narrative, Arts-Based, Post-Structural Research Conference, Jan. 2011, Arizona State University.
- Macintyre Latta, M., Baer, S., & Hwang, S. Y.(2010). Play is the Thing. Presentation for the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Denver, CO, shared collaborative presentation.
- Andrew Ek & Macintyre Latta, M. (2010). Preparing To Teach: An Ever-Present Process. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, shared collaborative presentation.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Kim, J. (2010). Narrative Inquiry Invites Professional Development: Educators Claim the Creative/Relational Space of Praxis. Presentation for the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, shared collaborative presentation.
- Macintyre Latta, M. & Bresler, L. (2010). Arts Scholarship as a “Force of the Possible”. Presentation for the National Art Education, Baltimore, shared collaborative presentation.
Invited Presentations
- Guest Panelist, May 6, 2019, Opening Panel for the Centre for Teaching & Learning, Annual Learning Conference, UBC Okanagan,Experiential Learning.
- Guest Speaker, Dec. 14, 2018, Seminar Series, Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, UBC, Doll’s Challenge to Educators: Ferrying the Ghost of Curricular Control to the Other Side, Awakening Inspiriting Curricular Practices.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2016). Moving Minds/Bodies/Spirits. Keynote, BC Teacher Education Roundtable, May 13.
- Cherkowski, S., Macintyre Latta, M., Ragoonaden, K., & Whiteley, R. (2014). Mindfulness and Educational Leadership, Opening Panel. SD 22 School Administrator Retreat, Vernon, BC, Aug. 20.
- Macintyre Latta M. (2013) The Complications of Complicated Curricular Conversations Guest Speaker, Art Education Graduate Studies, UBC Vancouver.
- Macintyre Latta, M. (2010). Reasons to Play, Keynote Address for the Center for Applied Research in Musical Understanding, Rochester, Michigan.
Selected Grants & Awards
Current Funding
- Partnership Development Grant, SSHRC (2020-2025), $1,076,813 Research Project Title: Co-Curricular-Making: Honouring Indigenous Connections to Land, Culture, and the Relational Self
- Partnership Development Grant, SSHRC (2016-19), $160,000 Research Project Title: Interdependence of Critical & Creative Thinking
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Professional Memberships
- John Dewey Society, 2005-present.
- International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, 2001-present
- Philosophy In Education Society, member, 2000 – present
- American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, member, 2000-present
- American Education Research Association, member, 1998 – present
- Professors of Curriculum, member, 2009-present
- Canadian Society for Studies in Education, member, 2013-present
- Curriculum & Pedagogy, Member, 2001-2008
Professional Experience
- Professor and Director of Graduate Programs & Director of Community of Scholar-Practitioners, Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia Okanagan, 2013-present.
- Director, Centre for Mindful Engagement, University of British Columbia Okanagan, 2014-2016
- Professor, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education, College of Education & Human Sciences, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, August 2012-December 2012
- Co-Editor, International Journal of Education & the Arts, 2007- 2012.
- Guest Co-Editor, Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue on Narrative Inquiry, 2010,Vol. 103.
- Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education, College of Education & Human Sciences, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2009-2012.
- Graduate Chair, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education, College of Education & Human Sciences, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2006-2009.
- Co Director, Educating For Diversity, a Master of Education focus area, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001 to 2004.
- Assistant Professor, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education, College of Education & Human Sciences, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, September, 2000 to 2006.
- Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Member, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001-2012.
- Professional Seminar Instructor, Master of Teaching Program, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1994-2000.
- Practicum Advisor, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1994 2000.
- Junior / Senior High School Art and Language Arts Teacher, Senator Riley High School, High River, Alberta, Canada. Foothills School Div. #38, 1980 to 1986.
- Elementary / Junior High School Art and Language Arts Teacher, Blackie School, Alberta, Canada. Foothills School Div. #38, 1978 – 1980.