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Catherine Broom
Associate Professor
Office: EME3167Phone: 250.807.8768
Email: catherine.broom@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Citizenship; Social Studies Methods; History Education; History of Education and Curriculum; Culture and Education; Alternative and Holistic Educational Practices from an Ecological Perspective.
Courses & Teaching
Graduate level courses including: Global Education, Citizenship, and Cross-Cultural Conceptions of Teaching and Learning; Curriculum Issues and Theories; and Readings and Discourse in Education
Bachelor of Education, focus areas include social studies; holistic education; anti-racist and critical pedagogy.
Catherine Broom has more than 25 years of teaching experience at the high school and university level. She has taught in Canada and internationally. Since beginning her career as an educator, Dr. Broom has participated in the education of youth and teachers through teaching and developing workshops. She has now worked as a university professor for more than ten years, during which she has taught classes at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Since joining UBC in 2009, she has developed and taught two of her own graduate courses, one of which is on local and global citizenship education.
“Teaching is one of the most amazing and joyful professions. You have a chance to interact with young people and help them develop their understanding of the world,” says Dr. Broom. “You can see them learn, grow and engage, question their own thinking, and develop their own ideas, and philosophies.”
Dr. Broom publishes in the areas of local and global citizenship, history of education, and social studies education. She has published more than 60 works, including 1 book, 3 book chapters, 27 peer reviewed journal articles, 3 book reviews, and 38 conference papers and presentations in national and international conferences.
She has conducted more than eleven studies over the last five years, with internal and external funding sources, on contemporary and historical studies focused around the concept of Citizenship. She has partnered with scholars in seven other nations (Mexico, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, India and Hong Kong) in order to carry out studies focused on youth civic attitudes and behaviours in these nations/societies. The findings were published in 2016 with Palgrave Macmillan.
She is active in service from the local to the international level, serving on committees and boards. She is on the executive board of the Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN) a subsidiary group of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) and the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). She is this year’s CSSE-CERN conference chair. She is also the journal editor of Citizenship Education Research Journal (CERJ), a peer-reviewed journal managed by CERN. The journal is free to publish in and read, and supports scholarly and graduate student work that furthers understanding of the meaning and nature of citizenship.
Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN)
PhD, Simon Fraser University
Selected Publications & Presentations
Journal Articles
Broom, C. (2020, Dec). Myrtle Shannon v. Herbert King: Power, Privilege & Silence. History of Education and Children’s Literature, XV (2): 485-499.
Broom, C. (2020, May). Procedural democracy: Perceptions of the latest curriculum revision in BC, Canada. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 19 (1): 51-68.
Broom, C. (2019). Rethinking Belonging in Western Nations: Theorizing the Public Commons as a Shared Pluralistic Community. Journal of International Social Studies, 9(2): 75-93.
Broom, C. (2017). Response to seeking Democracy inside and outside of education. Democracy and Education, 25(2): 1-5. https://democracyeducationjournal.org/home/vol25/iss2/10
Lee, Jonathan and Broom, Catherine. (2017). Motivating civic engagement. Citizenship Education Research Journal 6(1): 39-51. (My contribution: 30%).
Holder, M.D., Passmore, H-A., Broom, C., Berg, S., Li, E., Hickey, R., Martin, C. (2017). Walls of Well-Being (WOWs): A Pilot Study of a New Methodology to Explore Children’s and Adolescents’ Perceived Sources of Happiness. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (June).
Broom, Catherine. “Exploring the Relations between Childhood Experiences in Nature and Young Adults’ Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours.” Australian Journal of Environmental Education (2017), 33(1): 1-14. Received the Australian Journal of Environmental Education Biennial Award in 2018).
Broom, Catherine. “Exploring Youth Civic Engagement and Disengagement in Canada.” Journal of International Social Studies (2016), 6(1): 4-22.
Broom, Catherine. “Power, politics, philosophy and reform: A historical review of curriculum reform, academia, and government in British Columbia, 1920 to 2000.” Journal of Curriculum Studies. (August 2015).
Broom, Catherine. “Empowering Students: Pedagogy that Benefits Educators and Learners”. Citizenship Social and Economics Education. 14.2 (July 2015).
Broom, Catherine. “Social Studies in Three Provinces: A Comparative Exploration”. Canadian and International Education. (2015 June).
Broom, Catherine and Ronald Evans. “Social Studies within and across Borders”. Citizenship Education Research Journal. 4.1 (2015): 56 – 69.
Broom, Catherine. “Social Studies In and Through Diverse Lenses”. Oregon Journal of the Social Studies. 3.1 (February 2015): 2 – 12.
Broom, Catherine and Siobhan Murphy. “Social Studies from a Holistic Perspective in Canada and New Zealand: A Theoretical and Practical Discussion”. Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. 5.1 (2015).
Broom, Catherine. “Social Justice 12: Negotiating Issues in and for a Democratic Society.” Social Studies Research and Practice. 8.2 (2013): 68 – 82.
Broom, Catherine. “The Challenges and Benefits of Collaborative-based Learning Practice for Citizenship Education”. Citizenship Education Research Network’s Peer Reviewed Collection. 3.1 (2013): 26 – 45.
Broom, Catherine. “Assessing the Assessors: Standardized Exams in BC Social Studies”. Canadian Social Studies. 45.2 (2012).
Broom, Catherine. “Citizenship, Nationalism, “Nation-building” Stories, and the “Good Citizen”: Associating Citizenship Education and Public Schooling”. Citizenship Education Research Network’s Peer Reviewed Collection. 2 (2012): 7 – 17.
Broom, Catherine. “Understanding Social Studies: Student and Teacher Voices in Relation to Theoretical Orientations”. Journal of International Social Studies. 2.2 (2012): 6 – 24.
Broom, C. (Ed.) (2016). Youth Civic Engagement in a Globalized World: Citizenship Education in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
Broom, C. & Bai, H. (2021, March). Exploring Deweyian experiential learning pedagogy as citizenship development. In Eva Aboagye and S. Nombuso Dlamini, Global Citizenship Education: Challenges and Successes. Toronto, University of Toronto. Pp 156-189.
Broom, C. (2020, Jan). Citizenship and Social Studies Curricula in British Columbia, Canada: Contemporary Realities and Alternative Possibilities. In Delgado-Algarra, E. J., & Cuenca-López, J. M. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Citizenship and Heritage Education (pp. 56-79). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1978-3
Broom, Catherine. (2017). Youth Civic Engagement in Context. 10.1057/978-1-137-56533-4_1.
Broom, Catherine & Mascio, Anthony & Fleming, Douglas. (2017). Citizenship Education in Canada, Past and Present. 10.1057/978-1-137-56533-4_2.
Broom, C. (April, 2018.) Theorizing Critical Thinking and Identifying its Development in Practice. Full Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research, Nevada, USA. (double blind peer review)
Broom, Catherine. (2017, April). “Youth Civic Engagement in Nations with Diverse Democratic Traditions.” AERA Conference, San Antonio Texas, United States.
Broom, Catherine and Johanek, Michael. “Exploring Youth Civic Engagement and Disengagement in a Globalized World.” AERA. United States. Apr, 2014.
Broom, Catherine and Evans, Ronald. “The Interplay of Curriculum and Context: Conceptions of Social Studies across Time and Place”. AERA. United States. Apr, 2012.
Broom, Catherine, Wendy Klassen and Carolyn Labun. “Exploding Stereotypes: Care and Collaboration in the STEM Sciences”. American Society for Engineering Education. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Jun, 2011.
“The Erosion of the Public Good: The Implications of Neoliberalism for Education for Democracy”. International Association for Citizenship Social and Economics Education. United Kingdom. Jun, 2011.
Despres, Blane, Catherine Broom, Karen Ragoonadan and Sabre Cherkowski. “The Myth of School Failure: A Historical Analysis of Present Demands for School Reform. Paper presented as part of a panel “. AERA. United States. Apr, 2011.
Broom, Catherine. “Social Studies Across a Vast Nation: The Interplay of Ideas (as Ecological Elements) and Place “. AERA. United States. Apr, 2010.
Conference Presentations
Broom, C. Citizenship Education Curricula in BC: Continuity in Change. CSSE, Vancouver. June 2019.
Broom, C. Addressing the Challenges and Issues that Arise with Experiential Learning. Paper presented at the 15th Annual UBC Okanagan Learning Conference. May 2019.
Broom, C. Good Citizenship is more than attention to mind. CSSE, Regina, May 2018.
Broom, C. Relating Conceptions of Governance to Curriculum Reform. CSSE, Regina, May 2018.
Larlee, Skye and Broom, Catherine. “Repatriating Home–a Discussion on Third Culture Kids and Education”. Cultural Studies & Education Conference. UBC, Vancouver, Canada. May, 2017.
Broom, Catherine. “Pendulum Swings in Teaching Practice.” UBC Okanagan Learning Conference. UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada. May, 2017.
Broom, Catherine. “Canadian Youth’s Civic attitudes and Behaviours.” CSSE. Calgary, May 2016.
Broom, Catherine. “From Challenging Times Comes Opportunity: The 1930s and Teachers’ First Steps in Gaining Increased Job Security.” CSSE. Calgary, May 2016.
Broom, Catherine. “The Meaning of “Community” in relation to Social Studies Education”. International Social Studies Conference. Orlando Florida, United States, Feb 2015.
Richardson, Pamela, Catherine Broom, Leyton Schnellert and Sabre Cherkowski. “Exploring an Immersive, Integrative, Collaborative, Inquiry-Oriented Approach to Teacher Education.” CSSE. Ottawa, Jun, 2015.
Broom, Catherine. “The Rise of Bureaucratic Schools: A Case Study Exploration of Policy Documents”. CSSE. Ottawa, Canada. Jun, 2015.
Broom, Catherine. “Valuing Democracy: Exploring Youth Attitudes to Government in Canada “. CSSE. Ottawa, Canada. Jun, 2015.
Broom, Catherine. “The Meaning of “Community” in relation to Social Studies Education”. International Social Studies Conference. Orlando Florida, United States. Feb, 2015.
Broom, Catherine. “Empowerment is Vital to Enhanced Learning”. UBC Okanagan Learning Conference. UBC Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada. May, 2013.
Broom, Catherine. “Justice Served? Schools, Teachers and Human Rights Cases in 1930s British Columbia.” CSSE. Victoria, Canada. Jun, 2013.
Broom, Catherine. “The Challenges and Benefits of Collaborative-based Learning Practice for Citizenship Education”. CSSE. Victoria, Canada. Jun, 2013.
Broom, Catherine. Invited speaker and discussant at the Civic Engagement Research Conference. Utah. BYU. October 2017.
Broom, Catherine. Invited blog on fostering youth environmental awareness for the Nature Conservancy of Canada. June 27th, 2017.
Broom, Catherine. Invited paper: “The Rise of Bureaucratic Schools and Teacher Regulation: Loss of Control in the Interests of Efficiency.” Education Matters, (2016), 4(1): 6-15.
Selected Grants & Awards
Dr. Broom has received national recognition for her work on Citizenship Education: CSSE selected her presentation at the conference in 2015 as a president’s spotlight session, one with broad appeal and an important message, and one of her papers was awarded best paper award in 2018 by an Australian journal.
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Citizenship Education Research Journal (CERJ)
The journal publishes applied and theoretical research papers related to Citizenship and Citizenship Education that advance scholarly knowledge of the field in Canada. Citizenship Education scholars in Canada and overseas are welcome to submit their papers to the journal through the journal’s online site. Each paper is double blind, peer reviewed. Those interested in serving as reviewers are also invited to email Dr. Broom, or to register online.
- Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN) board member
- International Association for Citizenship Social and Economics Education (IACSEE, UK) Executive Board Member
- Citizenship Education Research Journal Editor
- Reviewer of submissions to the CERN association for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference (CSSE)
- Conference session chair at conferences including CSSE
- Chair of CERN for the CSSE Conference in 2022
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Social Studies Research and Practice Journal of the United States
- Member of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning in the United Kingdom
- Committee member of School District 23’s Human Rights Committee
- Reviewer of grants, books and journals including the Journal of International Social Studies, Social Studies Research and Practice, Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, and The International Journal of Whole Schooling
- Member of the Graduate Programs Committee (Education)
- Member of the Undergraduate Programs Committee (Education)
- Member of the Program and Curriculum Committee (UBC O)