Contact & People
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Okanagan School of Education
The University of British Columbia
EME Tower 1, 3rd Floor (Engineering, Management & Education Building)
1137 Alumni Ave.
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
General Inquiries and Undergraduate Programs:
Office: EME 3121
Phone: 250.807.9176
Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Programs (MEd, MA,PhD):
Office: EME 3119
Phone: 250.807.8203
Centre/Research Program:
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Peter Arthur | Professor of Teaching | Education | | 250-807-9207 | EME 3149
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education; Metacognition; Mindsets and Academic Success; Curriculum & Program Development; Instructional Design; Enhancing Learning with Technology; Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Teaching, Learning and Research.
Stephen Berg | Associate Professor | Education | | 250.807.9682 | EME 3169
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Physical Education; Health Education; Early Learning; Children's Physical Activity; Action Research.
Lynn Bosetti | Professor | Education | | 250.807.8903 | EME 3153
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Leadership in Higher Education, Critical Policy Studies, Change Management, Emotional Labour and School Choice
Catherine Broom | Associate Professor | Education | | 250.807.8768 | EME3167
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Citizenship; Social Studies Methods; History Education; History of Education and Curriculum; Culture and Education; Alternative and Holistic Educational Practices from an Ecological Perspective.
Courses & Teaching: Graduate level courses including: Global Education, Citizenship, and Cross-Cultural Conceptions of Teaching and Learning; Curriculum Issues and Theories; and Readings and Discourse in Education
Bachelor of Education, focus areas include social studies; holistic education; anti-racist and critical pedagogy.
Joanne Brunel | French Educator Network Facilitator, B.C. Southern Interior | Education |
Andrew Calhoun | Academic & Career Advisor | Education | | 250.807.9262 | UNC207F
Robert Campbell | Associate Professor | Education | | 250.807.9170 | EME3175
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Educational Technology; Instructional Design; Curriculum Development; Technology Innovation; Integration.
Jessica Chan | Assistant Professor | Education |
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Language and Literacy Development; Literacy and Numeracy; Language-based Disorders; Community-based initiatives; Family Literacy
Courses & Teaching: English Language Arts and Literacy
Literacy in Action
Foundations of Reading Development
Inclusive Education
Sabre Cherkowski | Professor | Education | | 250.807.9306 | EME3171
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Leadership, professional learning and development, educator well-being; learning communities and school organizing; reflective practice.
Courses & Teaching: Educational leadership; Diversity and Inclusion in Education
Bill Cohen | Assistant Professor | Education |
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: My research interests are extended family pedagogies informed by traditional Indigenous knowledge: particularly a Syilx children-centred model informed by capti̓kʷɬ stories to transform schools to be more appreciative and sustaining of place-based relationships and cultural and ecological diversity.
Colombe Cormier | BEd French Pathways Advisor | Education |
Lindsay Cox | Graduate & Post-Baccalaureate Academic Programs Assistant | Education | | 250.807.8203 | EME3119
Jody Dlouhy-Nelson | BEd French Pathways Coordinator and Lecturer | Education |
Scott Douglas | Director, Professional Development and English as an Additional Language Programs | Education | | 250.807.9277 | EME3151
Graduate student supervisor. Focus: EAL Teaching and Learning in Adult and Post-Secondary Contexts.
Research Interests: English as an Additional Language (EAL) Teaching and Learning in Adult and Post-Secondary Contexts; Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL); Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL); Applied Linguistics; English Language Teaching (ELT); Curriculum and Materials Design; English for Academic Purposes (EAP); English Language Learning (ELL); EAL Short-Term Study Abroad
Courses & Teaching: Undergraduate Courses
EDUC 407 Concept Studies Module 1—Developing Instructional Strategies ESL/FSL
EDUC 436 Developing Curricular Vision for a Democratic Society
EDUC 459 ESL in Secondary Education
Post-Baccalaureate Courses
LLED 494 Introduction to Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED 495 Curriculum and Materials Design in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED 496 Theory and Practice in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
Graduate Courses
EDUC 560 Directed Studies in Education: TESOL Inquiry
IGS 620 Advanced Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies: TESOL Frameworks
EDUC 524 Language Teaching and Learning
EDUC 562 Special Topics in Education: TESOL Materials
Pamela Flagel | Undergraduate Academic Programs Assistant | Education | | 250.807.9808 | EME 3129
Lynne Gibson | Field Advisor | Education |
Kyle Hamilton | Lecturer | Education |
Research Interests: Curriculum; Democracy and Education; Critical Pedagogy; Citizenship Education; Cosmopolitanism
Jan Hare | Dean | Education | | 604.822.2049 | Scarfe 2612, UBC Vancouver Campus
Kedrick James | Director | Education | | 250-807-8119 | EME 3139
Research Interests: Arts-Based Research; Digital Literacies; Digital Research Methods; English Language Arts; Environmental Theory and Practice; Literacy Education; Literature and Poetry; Teacher Education
Robert Johnson | Associate Professor | Education | | 250.807.8426 | EME3165
Research Interests: Motor Learning; Physical Education; Curriculum & Program Development; Health Education; Preservice Teacher Education
Danielle Lamb | Program Manager, Doctor of Education | Education | | 250.807.9658
Research Interests: Project Management; Fostering Reciprocal Relationships; Leadership; Professional Development; Métis and Chicano/a Literature
Amanda Lamberti | Communications Manager | Education |
Jennifer Laminger | Faculty Advisor | Education |
Research Interests: Numeracy and Mathematics Education, Numeracy through Literacy, Teacher Pro-D, Curriculum development and implementation, Critical Thinking, School culture
Darlene Loland | Field Advisor | Education |
Research Interests: SEL and teacher/student mental health, organizational wellbeing, experiential and place-based education, physical and health education, interdisciplinary teaching, professional learning
Margaret Macintyre Latta (On Leave) | Professor | Education | | 250.807.8119 | EME3139
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Fostering Pedagogical Relationships, Seeing and Acting on Innovation’s Renewing Potential—The Fecundity of Genuine Learning Contexts, Curriculum as Lived in Classrooms, Teacher Education and Professional Development Reform Efforts.
Christopher Martin | Director, Centre for Mindful Engagement | Education, Philosophy | | 250.807.8427 | EME 3159
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Philosophy of education; educational ethics; the aims of higher education; education for democracy
Courses & Teaching: Philosophical Inquiry in Education
Controversial Issues in Education
Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
Policy and Education
Karen Ragoonaden | Associate Dean | Education |
Research Interests: Mindfulness and Well-Being, Conceptions of Teaching and Learning, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Giselle Sanderson | Assistant to the Director | Education | | 250.807.9459 | EME 3121
Kristin Schuppener | Manager, Administration and Operations | Education | | 250.807.8120 | EME3131
Sumer Seiki, PhD | Associate Professor | Education | | EME 3161
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Science education; narrative inquiry; social justice
Courses & Teaching: EPSE 468 (3) Creating Positive Learning Environments for Inclusive Education
Karen Switzer | Lecturer | Education | | 250.807.8571 | EME3153
Research Interests: Literacy Coaching as a Tool for Professional Development; Differentiated Instruction; Quality Instructional and Assessment Practices.
Courses & Teaching: Courses in the Post Bac Program, Summer Institute in Education and in the Master's Program
David Trumpower | Education | | 250.807.8106 | EME3101
Research Interests: Concept maps; Conceptual knowledge; Assessment Cognitive and learning theories; Mathematics and sciences; Statistical reasoning
Anita Veal, MA | Sessional Lecturer | Education, English and Cultural Studies | | 250 807 9176 | CCS 381
Research Interests: Rhetoric and Composition; Second Language Acquisition, community engagement
Courses & Teaching: ENGL 112, English for Academic Purposes (EAP 104)